Please join in delivering common sense progressive values to Dover!
Main goals I will work to achieve as your elected official:
Expand the Health Care Patient Bill of Rights. Healthcare is a human right and we need affordable high quality universal healthcare for all.
Seek infrastructure and clean energy projects -working with in and out of state entities to find where our needs are similar and leverage funding for needed projects. We must promote and integrate clean energy alternatives within Delaware infrastructure projects.
Fully support public employees, wage earners, and retirees. We need to fulfill our commitments to our seniors and public employees by strengthening their retirement and healthcare programs. Delaware needs to do better with raising wages for all Delawareans; I support a livable wage, wage earners deserve dignity in their labor.
Promote policies that fully support a woman’s right to choice for reproductive health PERIOD!
Promote policies that fully support social and racial equality for all. Everyone no matter of social background or race has the right to equal justice and opportunity under the law. We are all entitled to a level playing field at achieving the American Dream.
Let us know what’s important to you.
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